
This section is a walkthrough of how to use the Micro-Grids library in order to obtain the optimal nominal capacity for an isolated micro-grid with a given demand and PV production.


The MicroGrid library can be use in Linux or windows and needs different programs and phyton libraries in order to work.


First of all Micro-Grids needs Python 3 install in the computer. The easiest way to obtain it, is download anaconda in order to have all the tools needed to run python scripts.

Python libraries

The python libraries needed to run Micro-Grids are the following:

  • pyomo Optimization object library, interface to LP solver (e.g. CPLEX)
  • pandas for input and result data handling
  • matplotlib for plotting


Any of the fallowing solvers can be used during the optimization process in the Micro-Grids library:

Download of MicroGrid library

For the moment the Micro-Grids library is in form of python scripts, in order to download them please follow this link:


Once they have been download, create a folder and put the scripts in there. Also create two folders with the names of ‘Results’ and Inputs as show in the following Figure:



The Micro-grids library needs the input files are stored in the folder ‘Inputs’, these are the needed files:

Name of the file type of file Description
Data.dat Txt file In this file the value of the parameters are set
Demand.xls Excel file The demand of energy of the system for each period is set in this file
PV_Energy.xls Excel file The energy yield in each period from one PV is set in this file

Data.dat file

This file has to contain all the parameters for the Micro-Grids library to be able to perform an optimization of the nominal capacity of the PV, battery bank and diesel generator. This file has to be write in AMPL data format. A table of all the parameters with an example of value and how they have to be written in the txt can be seen in the next table.

Name of the parameter Ampl format Observation
Stardate param: StartDate := ‘01/01/2014 01:00:00’; month/day/year hour:minute:second
PlotTime param: PlotTime := 1; The number of days to be plot
PlotDay param: PlotDay := ‘02/01/2014 01:00:00’; month/day/year hour:minute:second
PlotScenario param: PlotScenario := 2; The scenario to be ploted
Delta_Time param: Delta_Time := 1.0; Duration of the periods
PVNominalCapacity param: PV_Nominal_Capacity := 300;  
PVinvesmentCost param: PV_invesment_Cost := 1.6667;  
InverterEfficiency param: Inverter_Efficiency := 0.986;  
ChargeBatteryEfficiency param: Charge_Battery_Efficiency := 0.95;  
DischargeBatteryEfficiency param: Discharge_Battery_Efficiency := 0.95;  
DeepOfDischarge param: Deep_of_Discharge := 0.2; Between 0 a 1
MaximunBatteryChargeTime param: Maximun_Battery_Charge_Time := 5;  
MaximunBatteryDischargeTime param: Maximun_Battery_Discharge_Time := 5;  
BatteryInvesmentCost param: Battery_Invesment_Cost := 0.6;  
N param: Battery_Reposition_Time := 10;  
GeneratorEfficiency param: Generator_Efficiency := 0.337040782;  
LowHeatingValue param: Low_Heating_Value := 9890; It depends on the fuel used
DieselCost param: Diesel_Unitary_Cost := 1.18;  
GeneratorInvesmentCost param: Generator_Invesment_Cost := 1.48;  
LostLoadProbability param: Lost_Load_Probability := 0.00; Between 0 and 1
ValueOfLostLoad param: Value_Of_Lost_Load := 0.18;  
Periods param: Periods := 8760; A year has 8760 hours
Years param: Years := 20;  
PorcentageFunded param: Porcentage_Funded := 0.55;  
MaintenanceOperationCostPV param: Maintenance_Operation_Cost_PV := 0.015;  
MaintenanceOperationCostBattery param: Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Battery:= 0.015;  
MaintenanceOperationCostGenerator param: Maintenance_Operation_Cost_Generator := 0.015;  
DiscountRate param: Discount_Rate := 0.12;  
InterestRate param: Interest_Rate_Loan := 0.06;  
s param: Scenarios :=3;  

This file must be save inside the folder “Inputs”. An example can be downloaded in the fallowing link:


Demand.xls file

The Demand.xls file has to have the energy demand of the system in each period of analysis. The excel file must have a column with the periods and another with the demand in W as shown in the following figure.


This file must be save inside the folder “Inputs”. An example can be downloaded in the fallowing link:



The PV_Energy.xls file has to have the energy yield for one PV in each period of analysis. The excel file must have a column with the periods and the number of columns equal to the number of scenarios energy yield in W as shown in the following figure.


This file must be save inside the folder “Inputs”. An example can be downloaded in the fallowing link:


Run Micro-Grids library

Once all the above steps are performed, the easiest way to run the Micro-grids library is opening the Micro-Grids.py file in an development environment like spider and run the script inside it. Another way is to open a terminal in the folder where all the scripts are and use the following command:

python Micro-Grids.py


After the optimization is finish a message will appear with the Levelized cost of energy and the net present value of the system. Also 3 files will be created in the ‘Results’ folder, this files are specified in the following table.

Name of the file type of file Description
Size.xls Txt file Contains the nominal capacities of the PV, Battery, Diesel generator and other information
Time_series.xls Excel file Contains the the energy flow in each period for all the energy variables and the diesel consume
Scenario_Information.xls Excel file Contains some information of the scenarios
Energy_flow.png Excel file Contains the Figure of the energy flow from the ‘PlotDay’ during for ‘PlotTime’ days